Add multiple Attachments to Workflow Notification:
1. Create Attribute like below:
2. Add Message Attribute like below (to to respective Notification Messages)
Internal name : #ATTACHMENTS
Display Name: #ATTACHMENTS
Value: Custom Attachment Attribute (which created above)
SELECT count(*) into l_attach_cnt
WHERE function_name =DECODE(0,1,NULL,'GLXJEENT')
AND function_Type=DECODE(0,1,NULL,'O')
AND ( ( entity_name = 'GL_JE_HEADERS' AND pk1_value = l_je_batch_id ) ) ;
if l_attach_cnt >0 then
wf_engine.SetItemAttrText( itemtype => itemtype,
itemkey => itemkey,
avalue => 'FND:entity=GL_JE_HEADERS&'||'pk1name=je_batch_id&'||'pk1value='||l_je_batch_id );
end if ;
4. After that check the notification to find all the attachments, all the attachments count is equal to l_attach_cnt variable.
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ReplyDeletehi can you tell me how attache attachment using procedute. because i am doing same but it is not working, it istaking only last attachment not all attachments.